Software for scales management
Using Galileo software, you can define any number of customers
and assign a given number of weighing scales to each of them,
including detailed information on the scales’ parameters.
To each customer you can add any number of:
- contact details, e.g. branch office, local office, etc.
- contact persons
- events, e.g. meetings, tenders, presentation, etc.
- information about installed scales
Galileo enables to create a base with information about weighing
scales manufacturers. Every manufacturer can be assigned any
number of weighing scales’ types and kinds (e.g. palette scales,
truck scales, etc.).
Such a distinction allows for a quick search of e.g.
a specific quantity of scales sold in a given period of time or in a specific region.
Any weighing scales manufacturer can also be assigned the same information as in the case of a standard customer (address details, contact persons, etc.).
The potential customers are present in the software under the “Chances” tag. The “Chances” are new, promising companies interested in buying a scale. “Chances” have most functions used in the customers, except for the option to assign scales.
Each chance has information on the source of contact and a percentage of chance to finalize the transaction. After the first transaction has been concluded, the “Chance” can be moved into the list of customers where it will be assigned a specific weighing scale.
Companies selling a great number of scales a year often forget about the dates of the scales’ verification. Galileo software automatically calculates the date of the next verification and starts to remind about it some time before the specific date (to be set for each scale). Such reminders are generated for all the users who were assigned to a given verification while setting the reminder. You can also create a list of all the verification operations of a given type taking place during a specific period of time and in a given area.
In Galileo each scale has a number of detailed parameters. The software enables to assign each entered scale to a given customer or a manufacturer.
The user can add the following to every scale:
dodanie informacji o
dodanie informacji o
The current events handling mechanism applies to the customers, producers and weighing scales. An event can be of any type and status. The event type is determined by its purpose - e.g. "meeting". Whereas the status provides information whether one should be reminded about a given event, who should be reminded and how far in advance. Thanks to the events mechanism one can trace, e.g. the entire history of contacting a given customer. Each event can be assigned any number of files.
In Galileo program the knowledge base comprises a function used to create tables the content of which can be freely defined. The type and number of fields depend on the user.
Thanks to the “knowledge base” mechanism one can, e.g. catalogue the addresses of companies renting mass standards or cranes.
Galileo software offers a very convenient mechanism to search for information stored in the database. From the search engine level one can easily open a window including full details of the item search for (e.g. a customer).
All users of the program can take advantage of the information search mechanism. Accounts with restricted access to data can only check the presence of a given entry in the data base, without accessing the source. “Knowledge base” has its own independent search engine.
Galileo software has been designed for efficient network operation. The technologies used allow to combine any number of programs into a network.
Galileo software can be operated via the Internet. If the data base server is set up properly, remote connections can be established. During remote operation the speed of the program greatly depends on the quality of the Internet connection.
There are three user levels in the program:
- administrator
- user
- restricted user
Compared to the administrator, the “regular” user faces some restrictions while accessing some of the program functions. The “restricted user” account is an account from the level of which one can generally access only the factions which have been made available specifically to the given account (the restricted account is recommended for users working remotely).