Functions of the GSW program


The table below contains functions available in the GSW Standard program.

Software Version
Software functions
Single weighing
Double weighing
Multiple weighing
Simplified weighing
Compound weighing (Long vehicles on short scales)
Tarring of vehicles
Weighing in unit/piece mode
Weighing in manual mode (Program saves in database information if the weight value was entered manually by scale attendant or automatically by the program. Setting this function off is manageable in software configuration)
Weighing of rail cars
Weighing in “virtual scale mechanism” (Option to weigh on a PC physically disconnected from a weight indicator)
Option to weigh on small-sized scale (e.g. pallet) with no need to enter license plate number
Networking with Firebird SQL server
Integrated SQL console
"ConfTrick" - tool for creating database and configuration files copies (Tool used for sharing/shifting program data between other computers)
"GS Backup" - program for creating regular (scheduled) database backup copies when working via server (GS Backup works as a Microsoft Windows System service)
"DBWizard" - helpful in program configuration, to work with database server
Function to enable creating database backup copy when closing the program
Function to enable deleting backup database copy files older than entered number of days
Configurable weighing modes (issuing, receipt and etc.)
Simultaneous weighing service on 3 scales
Simultaneous weighing service on truck and railway scale
Configurable database tables
Tables: Customer + Product + 10 additional tables (configurable)
Option to configure extra 8 information fields (not dictionary ones) used while weighing
Accuracy control function of numeric values inserted into information fields
Control function of adding dictionary items (Uniqueness of "name and code", as well as of table record "code")
Auto-numbering of table records in CODE field
Setting up connection with scales automatically when program starts
Optional change of program weight units (kg, Mg)
Time control between subsequent weighing’s (Function prevents from weighing in unless a certain amount of time passes)
Weight value control between subsequent weighing’s (Function prevents from weighing when value drops below the configured one)
Rounding weight value calculations to a set decimal place
Option to block changes of the weighing mode, available on main program window
Function reminding to select the weighing mode before saving the weight record
Function to select the weighing mode automatically, basing on weight values from 1st and 2nd weighing
Option to block data changes while 2nd weighing
Option to use only capital letters in data and data editing fields
Function of incremental data search within dictionary fields and main weighing window
Function of zeroing the scale from the level of main weighing window
Access to a list of first weight results from the level of main Weighing window
Access to a list of completed weighing’s from the level of main Weighing window
Access to a report window from the level of main Weighing window
Access to a list of database sets / proximity cards from the level of main Weighing window
Access to a quick printing mode from the level of main Weighing window
Option to quickly add data to dictionary tables, from the level of main Weighing window
Option to change the name of company (scale owner) into that for which weighing is planned, from the level of main Weighing window (Function allows to share the weighing scale among several companies)
Option to display enlarged font on the Weighing window
Option to separate the numbering of weights while sharing a scale among several companies
Saving weights to indicator's Alibi memory (Function works only for specific scales)
Handling proximity card readers
Cooperation with RFID readers: STX 1000 and STX 2000
Handling database sets
Function of warning from outdated vehicle/car tare
Saving vehicle tare weights in database
Option to enter tare weight in the List of tares window
Option to enter gross vehicle weight in the List of tares window
Previewing the list of weighing’s
Previewing camera images taken during measurement from the List of weighing’s window
Previewing camera images from the level of List of first weighing’s window
Saving images to jpeg file format possible from the level of List of first weighing’s and list of weighing’s windows
Previewing weighing details from the List of weighing’s window
Handling accounting from the List of weighing’s
Weighing browser in the List of weighing’s window
Disabling from view deleted weight records available on the List of weighing’s window
Option to disable colouring available on the List of weighing’s window
Previewing weighing ticket available on the List of weighing’s window
Printing weighing ticket available from the level of List of weighing’s window
Option allowing to edit weighing available from the level of List of weighing’s window
Exporting List of weighing’s to .csv file format
Exporting List of weighing’s to .xls file format
Printing ticket from the level of List of first weighing’s
Function allowing to connect first two weighing’s into double weighing from the level of first weighing’s window
Printing tickets available in graphics or text mode (Printing in graphic mode regards laser and ink jet printers while printing in text mode regards needle printers)
Printing ticket automatically after completed weighing
Printing ticket in A5 and A4 page format
Printing 2 tickets in A5 format on a paper with A4 format
Option allowing to provide company logo on a ticket (in graphic mode)
Graphic tool allowing to change ticket layout
Option allowing to assign different ticket patterns to specified products
Option allowing to define number of ticket printout copies
Function allowing to change font size in a needle printouts (12 cpi, 15 cpi, Wide, Condensed)
Option allowing to change text content above the serial number of ticket printout (e.g. "Ticket no. 212/2016" for "Weighing ticket no. 212/2016")
Option allowing to define if customer data on a ticket printout are to contain also full address data and VAT Reg No
Option allowing to define if product name is to be printed on a ticket with CODE field
Option allowing to define if additional dictionary terms are to be printed on a ticket with CODE field
Option allowing to define if information on net and declared weight difference is to be displayed on a ticket printout
Option allowing to print ticket rotated by 90⁰
Option allowing to preview ticket before weighing in
Option allowing to define if Alibi memory numbers are to be printed on a ticket printout
Option allowing to define ticket footer content
Option allowing to automatically save files (after each completed 1st or 2nd weighing) in .pdf file format containing ticket layout in defined folder (e.g. network)
Option allowing to create pdf files by hand, containing ticket layout available from the level of List of weighing’s window
Starting auto-numbering of weight records from "1" in a given year
Option allowing to change numbering of weight records
Option allowing to define numerous companies so to perform ordered weighing (countless owners)
Report creator
Option allowing to add comments to ticket printouts
Option to define fields visibility in a report
Exporting reports to pdf, Microsoft Excel, rtf file format
Reports divided into number of routes
Managing program users
Managing users' permissions
Moment of logging in to save in database Failed log in attempts to save in database
Blocking log-in window for 10 sec. after 3 failed attempts to log in
Exporting data from tables to .csv file format
Exporting data from tables to .xls file format (MS Excel program installation is not required for correct operating of this function)
Exporting data to text file after each completed weighing
Handling weight value display on a external display unit
Handling 12 separate cameras simultaneously (digital or IP) - online camera image preview available with option allowing to take photos while saving weight records
Function allowing to zoom in selected part of image (e.g. close-up on a license plate number)
Function of checking analog and IP camera connection
Additional tool for configuring connection link with IP camera
Option allowing to select video source for analog cameras
Option allowing to change the size of images when saving
Option allowing to change the quality of images when saving
Option allowing to set the number of displayed camera frames per sec. when previewing online
Option to rotate camera image preview
Automatic start of camera image preview when starting the program
Option allowing to change the size of camera viewport
Allocating cameras to each scale
Option allowing to change the layout of camera viewport
Memorizing gross vehicle weight
Warning of exceeding gross vehicle weight limit
Cooperation with self-service terminals: STX 4000 and STX 5000
Additional modules (software)
Stock handling module
Invoicing module
Packaging / container weighing module
Kilogram or percentage segmentation of weighing operations
Weighbridge monitoring (monitoring vehicles passing over the weighbridge)
Pollution module (in % and kg)
Contract management module (contract prices and limitations)
Accessing data via Internet (web browser/ smartphone/ tablet)
Sending weighing ticket by email
Additional Modules (hardware)
Steering device for traffic lights
Steering device for traffic barrier
Steering device for traffic lights and barriers with cameras handling
Control of a vehicle’s location on the weighbridge
Language versions
Language version: Polish
Language version: English
Language version: German
Language version: Czech
Language version: Romanian
Language version: Spanish
Language version: Chinese
Language version: Lithuanian
Language version: Hungarian
Language version: Finnish

A function is available

Option (the function is available for an additional charge)


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