The vehicle weighing system based on a self-service terminal (with an alfanumeric keyboard)
If driver has no card entitling him to capture weight (i.e. vehicle will be measured for the first time) he proceeds to scale attendant's office to register into system. After registering, he receives card and goes towards the scale.
Vehicle moves onto scale.
Driver steps out from vehicle, approaches unattended weighing terminal and swipes a card in front of RF reader.
After positive contractor identification, vehicle registration number is displayed along with company name to which a card and product is assigned.
Driver selects certain method of weighing (tare, single, double) or changes a product selected to be weighed. Products can be scrolled through the list by up/down buttons or by entering code on a keyboard. After selecting a product, driver starts weight-measuring process.
When measurement is stable, weight result is saved in database - through the display driver is informed that weighing is completed.
In the event of double weighing (entrance/exit) automated weighing system detects that the first weighing has been already performed and automatically calculates a load net weight.
System AT 01 turns out to be particularly useful among companies with medium traffic flow on truck scales.
Unattended weighing terminal allows to perform a weighing on a bi-directional scale.
Vehicle position adjustment mechanism
Vehicle weight recognition module
System customization available on request
Network (e.g. connecting entrance and exit scale)
Taking photos while recording the weight result
Industrial printer with the cut-off
Possibility to steer traffic control signals and barrier gates
External diode
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